ILA Magazine
Where Culture Meets Creativity
A Walk Through Poetry
Why not take a "Walk Through Poetry"? We have published some previous "Best Entries" chosen from an "Anything Friday" offering, held in the Spring. TRIPLE DOTS Emptiness
Quietude invasion
Beauty in
© Yanny Widjanarko Flower of Peace
War as a aimless evil
Which sows death around
Can one soul stop it
in which light reigns
Though the flower fields
in which there is love
without conditioning
no matter what...
A soldier with a weapon
without tears for their loved ones
who strive for it
awake at night...
Is one flower enough?
Peace to reign in the hearts
petrified and hopeless
in the whirlwind of thoughts
© Gordana Andonovska
Macedonia Go to the end of the river. Can't remember how many shadows the boat was anchored in the moon at the end of the month. Mother is the quiet peony. How to count how many dew drops fall in the sky?
© Nguyễn Thanh Hai
Vietnam MASTERPIECE Someone emerged like a sunshine
in the days of deadline
the beams of hope, awake me soon
I came across, called it "God's boon."
Someone twinkled like a little star
in my gloomy-night, so far
telling me, you are not alone;
You are rising dawn.
Someone jingled the bells of happiness
like luminous-light after darkness
zealous soul breaks the silence;
pours down all love's essence.
Someone accompanied in dark, shadowy hour
made moments sweet and sour
flames like eternal light; puts me in limelight.
Someone moved me ahead out of motionless - life
I called it "wheel of life"
balances in stony-way; wishes my success in all prays. Someone sprinkled colors
Onto my blank canvas
Paints all pleasure and piece;
made me a "masterpiece".
Someone livened up my colorless - creations
through the vast-visions
immortalized my emotions; mobilized my notions.
© Harsh Sharma Colours in Life
Life sans colours is unimaginable, dull and pale
Colours are akin air, to survive hearty and hale
Sunrise and sunset lilac, tangerine O' so divine.
'Neath turquoise skies a palette of colours is life.
Accompanied by rainbow of joys, grey of sorrows to thrive
Garden of life offers myriad hues from every angle
Reflects and refracts as teal and blue in mother's bangles.
Myriad hues of festivals, paints soul and mind happiest
Splashing and sprinkling colors according to beholder's perception.
Red deciphers anger, envy, wrath and love
White is purity, peace, silence shrouded in mortcloth.
Feelings of pink wrapped with green of hope
Reap the abundance of green and calmness of blue
Enjoy and play with each and live to fullest
Dream of colours and tears shall dry.
© Anjana Prasad
In the fit of meeting ocean
The river forgot
Her tributary streams, brooks and rivulets
However fully mixed up in her
They tickled her heart.
© Subhaschandra Adhav
My first time in Port Harcourt, I spent the night with a Harlot
And told my shame to the Parrot,
Who, like Judas Iscariot,
Sold me out for a mere piece of carrot.
He took it straight to the airwaves,
Up in the airways,
Along the waterways
And down the highways.
I won a Laurel for my. book
and showed my prize to the Moose
To help me spread the news,
But he had a load to chew.
My fame, he barely ruminated upon
And spoke my name to no one.
Of my visit, to no one he told;
His silence he treasures above gold. Once I was bitter,
Now I feel better,
Knowing whom to tell my shame
and whom to tell my fame. © Samuel Oseyoma Onoseri