ILA Magazine
Where Culture Meets Creativity
We caught up with Adnan Shafi, Author of "Tears Fall in My Heart,", with an Interview of him and his book...
He tells us what inspires him to write and gives us tidbits of advice....
QUESTION 1): Are you in the process of compiling another book?
ADNAN: At moment, I'm in the process of compiling distinct books based on various themes.
QUESTION 2): Have you always wanted to be a writer?
ADNAN: Perhaps it is all that my Allah wanted me to do.
QUESTION 3): Do you hear from your readers regarding your writing? What have they told you about
your poetry, articles, reviews?
ADNAN: Yea, I like to hear, undoubtedly, as they facilitate me to produce more.
QUESTION 4): Do you research anything before you write a poem, or do words, lies and verse just
happen spontaneously, most of the time?
ADNAN: I guess most of the time, it happens simultaneously.
QUESTION 5): On a typical day/night, how much time do you spend on writing?
ADNAN: We know a person is engaged with many things, so whenever I get time for writing, I write.
QUESTION 6): Do your readers interact with you, more on social media platforms than on platforms
outside of social media?
ADNAN: Perhaps, on social media platforms, many readers interact with me.
QUESTION 7): How do you keep your poetry fresh for both yourself and your readers?
ADNAN: I write about daily things, whenever I write anything, it is indeed fresh.
QUESTION 8): What is the main subject you write mostly about in your poetry, or, does it vary?
ADNAN: The main subject is Kashmir and oppression. Sometimes it does vary.
QUESTION 9): Who is your favorite author and why?
ADNAN: Agha Shahid Ali, because the themes of exile, nostalgia for lost or ruined landscapes,
and political conflict inform many of his poems. He whirled my mind by his poetry, to pen down
merely on barbarity and nostalgia.
QUESTION 10): Give us, if you please, your favorite quote (Doesn't matter the genre):
ADNAN: I know the cosmos lives inside me,
So, how I am deserted now. (Adnan)
QUESTION 11): Why is poetry important to you?
ADNAN: Poetry is important to me as it bestows consolation to my soul. It makes me blissful.
Furthermore, it enlightens me on how to live.
QUESTION 12): How have you influenced others in regards to your writing?
ADNAN: I predominantly write poetry, Ghazals, short stories, articles and translate poems of
Urdu poets. This all may be the potent way in regards to my writing.
QUESTION 13): When did you first begin writing and what made you feel the need to
express yourself in this way?
ADNAN: I guess, at the age of 12, I came to be writing poetry. Heartlessness in Kashmir
ad affection for it made me feel the need to reflect myself in this way.
ADNAN SHAFI, is a poet, writer, columnist, translator, short story writer, reviewer, blogger,
motivational speaker, Ghazal-writer and an Editor. He is also the author of anthologies,
"Spirit of Nature" and "Dreamers Never Die."
He has been internationally published and won poetry awards from numerous publications.
His poetry book, "Tears Fall in My Heart", depicts sorrows and vicissitudes of life.
There are various hues in his poems, ranging from love to loneliness and despair.
His poetry is replete with the simplicity of thought and language. Some of the poems are
autobiographical in nature which relates to his own life's vows.
He contributes his articles/opionions for different news organizations in Kashmir, predominantly, "Brighter Kashmir", "Kashmir Vision", "Rising Kashmir", "Kashmir Age", "Reader Kashmir", "FAJR", "Kashmir Pen", "Kashmir
Thunder" and "Daily Kashmir Age." You can read more about his accolades and publications under our page,
"About the Editors."