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"A book is made from a tree. It is an assemblage of flat, flexible parts (still called "leaves") imprinted with dark pigmented squiggles. One glance at it and you hear the voice of another person, perhaps someone dead for thousands of years. Across the millennia, the author is speaking, clearly and silently, inside your head, directly to you. Writing is perhaps the greatest of human inventions, binding together people, citizens of distant epochs, who never knew one another. Books break the shackles of time - proof that humans can work magic.

Carl Sagan (1934-1996) American Author and Astronomer

Welcome to the

World of Literature and the Arts.


This magazine has been a dream of ours and now, it's finally here! ILA is an online magazine publishing an eclectic blending of prose, poetry, translations,  reviews, creative non-fiction and other works (visual art, photography, special features of authors and their books), by established, emerging writers and artists. We will periodically be featuring our guest writers with interviews in our quarterly issues which shall be published online only.

Lone Walk

 Featured Poem


I yearn for heart-miles far now

with separation, I die before her desire

recant her name in each of my whiffs
O' You the remedy of my hundred wounds
I guess even for the brutal cup of death
lodged inside me and dwell by my veins
immersed into my soul, reside by spirt.

Zakir Malik

Poet from Kashmir  


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