ILA Magazine
Where Culture Meets Creativity
Editor's Choice
My body reverberates
In search of your soul
Though I sometimes
Brace them hard
But, I feel the very affinity of nature
Feel like I'm riding the horse
In the prairie land
Let me not trip
As when I see you smiling
Under the azure sky
Conquer the world in me
As I've seen you
Amidst those hard fights
Ah! How graceful
You smile by my side
A warm love as I embrace
To touch your swaying hair
The fragrance
Of this nature caresses
Running through you
And, music that plays
Flying over the unruffled sea
And, I find your soul
Ever to nestle
The purity of nature
Shall but embed
Till I live
You flicker
Like a crescent moon
And, I could see you
Far from the quiet night.
© Hum Ale
Moon hangs
like a wire in the sky
above tree touched roofs
of semi detached houses
while clouds become waves
marking the passage
of afternoon into evening.
Looking down upon
pale yellowish leaves
scattered on the moist green
not daring to dance against
the moods of a capricious wind
which casts away scraps of
discarded memories
Meanwhile from an upstairs window
a small red hair figure
imagines these scenes in his mind
before writing them down on paper
hoping to make some poetry
out of all pictures he sees
on this bleak autumnal weekday.
© Julius Howard
Transcending Definitions
Art is not an institution...
It is an inner fire
Born out of those
Whose eyes pierce deeply
Into hidden burning beauty.
Art is not a class taught by Academia...
It is a holy vibration
Pulsing through the veins
Of those who sense the truth
Of this world's perfect purity.
Art is not a transaction...
It is a soulful expression
That has no choice
But to be released
As a reflection of the Source.
Art is not a sales pitch...
It is an intense emotion
Coupled with a vision
Of crystalline transcendence
That ruptures open new dimensions.
Art is not yet ready for the grave...
It is a raging protest
Against the mortal flesh
That sings the sweetest melody
About overcoming life's suffering.
© Scott Thomas Outlar
You left me in my silent world
Where your voice was lost;
Where on the road of night, your path
Separated from mine
Where in our love story,
Your heart was taken
Away from the story line;
And where the ancient
Sadness came and replaced
you in my mind.
Although the day of
Seeing you again is no
More in my calendar,
To see you over the
unconfirmed time I will
Constantly wonder;
So, be with me with your
Caring eyes till I die -
I am only a leaf on the end
Reach of an alienated fall;
Be with me till the moment
This leaf is going to fall.
Without you I know,
I will move on these roads
With no arriving at...,
Me and the galaxy of
Loneliness which will
My existence and your very
That has been kidnapped.
© Martin Foroz
Tears in Your Eyes
Poems are hard to create
They live, then die, walk
Alone in tears,
Resurrect in family
They walk with you alone
In ghostly patterns,
Memories they deliver
Feeling unexpectedly
Through the open
Windows of strangers.
Silk roses lie in a potted bowl
Memories seven days
Before Mother's Day.
Soak those tears,
Patience is the poetry of
Plant your memories,
Your seeds, your passion,
Once a year, maybe twice.
Jesus knows we all need
Then a vase filled with silk flowers,
Poems on paper from a poet sacred,
The mystery, the love of a Caretaker -
Multicolored silk flowers
In a basket
Handed out by the flower girl.
© Michael Lee Johnson
Record, she's a creeping spider.
Hurt love dangles net
From a silent moonlight hanger,
Tortures this damaged heart
Daggers twist in hints of the rising sun.
Silence snores.
Sometimes she's a bitch.
Sunlight scatters these shadows
Across my bare feet in
This spotty rain.
Sometimes we rewind,
Sometimes no recourse,
Numbness, no feeling at all.
© Michael Lee Johnson
Michael Lee Johnson lived 10 years in Canada during the Vietnam era and is a dual citizen of the United States and Canada. Today, he is a poet, freelance writer,
amateur photographer, and small business owner in Itasca, DuPage County, Illinois. Mr. Johnson has been published in more than 1,072 new publications, his poems
have appeared in 39 countries, and he edits as well as publishes 10 poetry sites. Michael Lee Johnson has been nominated for 2 Pushcart Prize awards, Poetry 2015/
1 Best of the Net 2016/2 Best of the Net 2017, 2 Best of the Net 2018.
Editor-in-Chief Poetry Anthology, "Moonlight Dreamers of Yellow Haze":
Editor-in-Chief of Poetry Anthology, "Dandelion in a Vase of Roses", available at:
Editor-in-Chief, "Warriors with Wings: The Best in Contemporary Poetry"
Michael Lee Johnson's YouTube (200+ Videos) can be viewed below, at:
Roseate yearnings
Lapped in pearl snow
She has neither seen
Their faces nor contours.
Yet those silver
Silhouettes pacify her
Quivering shoulders.
Shoulders which have
Become ashen-faced hands
Of that cracked clock,
Mounted on a derelict horizon.
Such has been her life,
Ever since she caressed that damask rose.
Crepe laughter from wilted dream -
Rustling in the shriveled haze.
Probably by now, most of her soul -
Marrow has been scooped out.
While some distinct mirabilia
Only savor rare genuflections.
It seems, she has trudged
Through longitudes of eternity
At least a few times.
© Jyoti Nair
The emotional union of land and sea runs deep.
Watch from your height
The early morning fire-mist on the beach
Before the sun consents to appear
As a glowing epic.
A constant flood of waves over sand.
A constant sea breeze ruffling hair.
In bright daylight,
Over the tricky tor, you'll spot
Fish leaping in a single bound.
They then reverse,
And dive headlong,
To then rejoin the ocean ceaseless.
If they land wrong, they weep,
And all their tribe weeps with them.
Daily sails memories across
This noble body of water.
And under the waves,
You may imagine
The attended continuum of life.
As the sun sits and puts up his feet,
The pale-faced moon the twilight brings,
And with it, a different tide.
I see it all,
Overlooking the cliff.
© Linda Imbler
And she cried as she left her mother's womb
Not wanting to leave the safety of this warmth.
She knew that this was the beginning of life,
Life that would be challenging and dangerous
Yet mother's love kept her feeling comfort
Quickly she grew and always there was mother
Offering arms of consolation and happiness.
This woman instinctively knew her needs and wants
Mother, mother full of kindness and patience
Watching as baby slept, smiled, crawled, walked
Achievements to be announced to all around
So proud, the mother of this growing beauty.
And she cried as she scraped her knee for the first time
Running to mother, because mother knew what to do.
Mother, with her magic kisses and healing potions
Mother, only mother could fix what was broken
With soft spoken words and encouragement
Telling her little girl it will be all right, go play
Stay strong for there will be other bruises along the way
My sweet girl, you are full of softness and toughness
You will take what life gives you with kindness
Although you may despair you will come through shining
The sun and the stars live deep inside you, you are special
So proud, the mother of this growing beauty.
And she cried in confusion as she becomes a young woman
Mother was alongside her, telling her it is part of growing up
Easing her anxiety of things she didn't quite understand
Telling this maturing young woman the secrets of true love
Speaking desires that bring forth the beauty of more life.
Do not be afraid of love my darling daughter, embrace it.
Bring forward all the beautiful things you have stored inside.
Love is a commitment, so find a mate who will compliment you
As you should complement him, share your dreams of the future
But also share your sorrows, your nightmares, so that you become one soul.
You should also share your individualities, giving joy to each other
So proud, the mother of this growing beauty.
And she cried tears of joy on her wedding day
Mother had prepared her for what was to come
Happiness, the gift of sharing yourself with another being
Living for what lay ahead, her own family and children
Loving like you had never before known love as this
Friendship, companionship, intimacy with another
Working so hard to keep this special love alive
Slowly reinventing herself to become the best she could
Mother always at her side, offering her advice and comfort
The grounding force of her life, stability and generosity
Showing the way to a beautiful fulfillment of self
So proud, the mother of this growing beauty.
And she cried out in pain and exultation as baby came
Her tears and baby's tears mingled together forever
Bonding, that which could never be broken in life or death
Mother, so thrilled at having her daughter birth another life.
Such beauty, three generations attached by unseen umbilical cords
Mother seeing the face of her daughter in this new unique baby
All mother's knowledge there for her, raising this beautiful new life
So much joy was shared at this moment, knowing part of her would live on.
That amazing woman who brought goodness and thoughtfulness
Together they would impart all the wisdom they shared with baby
Wisdom of a thousand generations, virtuousness, patience, caring
So proud, the mother of this growing beauty.
And she cried out in agony, screamed of the injustice
Her guiding sail, taken from her, she was not ready.
She would never be ready to let go of sweet mother
It was as if the sky fell into the ocean and the ocean dried up
Come back to her mother, the woman who held her heart
She cannot go on without you, you kept her safe from herself
Mother, you are the only one who knew her, her angst
She loved her family, truly she did, loved them beyond measure
But you, you could see inside her, lay her soul open
You recognized her fear and doubts, herself loathing
Now she is nothing, she cannot live this life without you
So along, the daughter of this mother of beauty.
© Antoinette DiGiorgio Corbell
Antoinette DiGiorgio Corbell has been writing poetry since 2013, but just within the last few months, decided to share
her poems with others. In those few months, she has been honored as Poet of the Day, several times and Poet of the Week.
She also has been published in Bharath Vision Web Magazine and has been named winner for her works in different Poetry
Group online contests.
Long ago
Before the rise
Of the cancel culture
Eagle Hawk frequented
The presence of Annabelle Lee
Because she was a marvel
Above time and space.
They roamed through the land
Of the free and brave
Leaving Truth
As their legacy
As becoming there
Embraced cosmic consciousness.
Mind travels through trance
Into the unknown
With a heart
As true as pure music
And the wilderness
Of thought shelters
What matters
With the authentic article.
To be
With the light
Of the everlasting
Allows heart
To feel blessed assurance
As trumpets sound
The beginning of eternity.
Back in time past
Annabelle Lee danced
Upon his mind
Freedom sang a battle hymn
In stars and stripes
And destiny pictured
The triumph of love.
The deep touch
Moved Eagle Hawk
Onto the beyond
Taking his trance
Into the always
Already there
As the Unknown God
Allowed them
The breath of love.
They dressed
What was there
With endless possibility
As they lived
The life of freedom
The life of love
© Dean Gardner
More of his books can be viewed below:
My mother held me...as I looked in the mirror and the reflection I could see
A little girl with bright blue eyes, dark curly hair, about the age of three
Brushing my teeth, I looked into the mirror, a young girl now in grade school
Brushing my teeth vigorously, I was young...it was my bedtime rule
I looked at my reflection in the mirror, past my shoulders long shiny dark hair
Closer to the mirror I peered, seeing pimples...just didn't quite seem fair
I looked at my reflection in the mirror, it was a wedding gown that I wore
Nervous and shaking I was, unsure of the life that would be in store
Staring at my reflection in the mirror, holding a small child on my hip
Kissing my babe on the cheek, from a glass of water, I took a sip
Closely I stare in the mirror, surprised to see age had begun to set
Hair is slightly graying with faint wrinkles...I hadn't yet begun to forget
I now look at my reflection in the mirror, my hair is now a silvery gray
Wrinkle lines indented on my face, no cream will help...they are now here to stay
Rising from a wheelchair she stands, gazing at a reflection unknown
Curious who the woman in the mirror is...my, how fast the years have flown.
© Annette (Wengert) Tarpley
Annette (Wengert) Tarpley hails from the United States, originally from Iowa, now residing in Virginia.
She works as a nurse practitioner by day and poet by night, which she recently rekindled and has been
writing with fervor. New to the online Facebook community, in a short span, she has received numerous
accolades and awards including: Featured Poet, Poem of the Day, Poem of the Month and several poems
published on online poetry sites. She has published her book of poetry, "Poetry Potpourri", which is
available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble, comprised of a variety of over 100 poems. A playlist of
her poems can be found on YouTube, by "The Sparrow".
Mutually Exclusive
As indicative of a well-lived life,
not only happily ever after, but...
a love indeed forsaking all others,
we clasp hands, fingers entwined.
And with a strength and fortitude
seldom seen in mere mortal beings,
we endeavor to embrace the fairy's tall tale;
eternal symphonic symbiosis.
Ours is a well-orchestrated interaction.
Nothing like the so hopelessly addicted
puppy love of the connected youngsters.
Rather, a mutually beneficial relationship
between hardened and experienced adults.
Two completely different, polar opposite
organisms, living disparate, but analogous.
Each depending on the other for survival.
Many common loves manifest as parasitic,
one individual draining the life of another.
While you and I are nothing akin to perfection,
our baseline is care and concern, not obligation.
Like the oft overlooked lichen,
we are simply a composite;
self-contained, miniature ecosystem.
Long live us!
© Ellen S. Breiling
The curtains are restless and rustling,
Yet the wind chimes seem very quiet,
As if someone's preventing their song
From being echo echoed around.
Little sound reverberates from the tin,
Aluminum, stainless steel, or whatever
Metal mine are made of, hardly matters.
They have been silenced, it feels eerie,
As when clocks stop for the deceased.
Beggars belief to be so cruel, quietude,
When the stirring winds normally bring
A symphony of tinny instruments alive.
I cannot help but wonder what dearly
Departed has begun toying with me...
Hands entwined within the lattice work
Of status symbolism creating musicals.
He, (it could never possibly be a she!)
Must be restless in his eternal slumber.
Perhaps he left the mortal coil too soon
With work undone and a lover forsaken?
I awaken to the midnight hour chiming,
Houseful of clocks beckoning a new day
To release me from the sorrow of my loss,
Stagnant grief of an unintentional betrayal
Of trust, promises made yet unable to keep.
I begin to weep uncontrollably,
So loud am I, that the reverberating chimes
Go completely unnoticed until I'm whimpering,
As a resounding message of love transcends!
© Ellen S. Breiling
A Tale of my Burning Home
I bring you
A tale
Of my burning home
From this dreary paradise
Where peace is no where
In the whirling shades
Of this incompatibility.
Being its dwellers
Means to
Fall prey to
Its expected uncertainties
Either becoming
The victims
Or first hand witnesses
Of these expected uncertainties
We are left
In a despair
Only to scribble
The epitaphs
Over the grave stones
And sing
The elegies
To mourn
In a grief
Of those falling flowers,
In their tender age
Are being forced
To leave for the heavenly abode,
Blood soaked bodies
Are tomorrow's witnesses
Of today's brutalities.
© Imtiyaz Pandow
Imtiyaz Pandow from Budgam, Kashmir, is a postgraduate
in Journalism and Mass Communication. He has worked
with several local and national media organizations.
Imitiyaz Pandow is interested in poetry and fiction.
His poetry is featured in several outlets.
"The flutter along with their beautiful wings to light our souls"
THE BUTTERFLIES - One of the ardent creatures by God -
The sun sitting higher, the fairy warmed her lashes
Agape, the sun is witnessing frenetic cadence that enclasps her.
The willows wounded abysmal imprecating the queen's allures
Clouds in instantaneous camouflage, the uprising blizzard an umbrage
Stood like grey show flowers molded beneath the ardent sky.
Wind of rain stealing those wilting leaves interrupting the beauty
Flowers wiggle her dewdrops enchanting the queen
Swaying trees in musical notes of her floating phosphenes
Hearing the rumble scorching butterfly's ardent secrecy
She weaves a hammock by the trees, magnificent.
And there she lay in her prestigious epiphanies
Sweven of a tete a tete wsh her soulmate
Each drop of the rain titillating amused her eager eyes
The psithurism melodious irking her ears unfathomable
Uncontrollable emotions knitted by her heart.
Hiraeth she was in contemplating its return to her mother's lap
Wished to be deluged underneath their never-ending superlatives
By the time clouds clear and shine like sparkling swords
Deviating from a long sleep, she fluttered again
To leave a goodbye note to those ravishing souls of nature deep.