ILA Magazine
Where Culture Meets Creativity
Idiom-Inspired Poetry
If all is well,ends well? He wasn’t her type It goes without saying,he was ill at ease! Thought she held her tongue,her vibes kept her posted! Compatibility was going from bad to worse! By the time she got to point,she was in hot water! Flew off the handle by finding faults with him! Situation had already gone to pieces! It was a cold blooded night in the long run! She didn’t give up her identity to someone Who wasn’t the brightest bulb in the box! Considering everything right now, Her frame of mind is getting a grip on itself; At a snail’s pace! ©️ Sonal Rao India To say it in a nutshell, poetry is the art of poetisizing, Short and sweet, concise, and certainly precise. Poetry my love, comes as a blessing in disguise, once in a blue moon, it blooms out of the blue! I never wish my verse to beat around the bush. Keep it straight and simple as you go with the flow. Tho, you feel stuck between a rock and a hard place, hang in there, for on the whole, it’s a new ball game! Poetry is a piece of work,born of nothing and nowhere. Need not burn the midnight oil nor bask under the sun. It’s a bolt from the blue when it rains, it downpours. It takes the ocean and the universe in its style and stride! It’s a mystery and mythical method to one’s madness, unwraps as you wrap your head around something! ©️ Laxman Rao Bangalore, India HIT THE SACK Once in a blue moon, call a spade a spade. Play your cards right, call it a day. Take a back seat, it’s always darkest before dawn; play by the ear; look before you leap and take a rain check. Every cloud has a silver lining; Don’t cry over spilt milk. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Draw the line, break a leg, give it a whirl, be in the fast lane; go the extra mile, snug as a bug in a rug. To bell the cat, go back to the drawing board. Hit the books, cut the chase. Blow off steam, read between the lines, shoot from the hip, Play your cards right, draw first blood, then hit the sack. ©️Kalucharan Sahu India Don’t Give Up When your life is in bad shape Having a monkey on your back That’s having problems you can’t solve And under clouds of doubt, don’t lose hope Be yourself to overcome Be out from clouds on the horizon Don’t give up, be tougher, never quit Bite the bullet to get over with And to weather the storm, stand strong Get help from your loved ones and friends For getting help, it’s not a rocket science Come rain or shine, they will be there for you ©️ Ency Bearis USA At the Eleventh Hour Idioms within the poem I find myself at the eleventh hour, Between a rock and a hard place, Where the sky is the limit, they say, But every cloud has a silver lining. The ball's in my court, so they tell me, But I’ve bitten off more than I can chew, And though the writing’s on the wall, I’m caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. Still, I keep my chin up, head above water, Hoping time heals all wounds, For when the chips are down, It’s not over till the fat lady sings. With the world as my oyster, I press on, Knowing it takes two to tango, But I won’t count my chickens before they hatch, For I know, every dog has its day. ©️ CONCETTA PIPIA USA Like bull in China Shop He entered in break neck speed and hit to rakes Some articles fell on ground at sixes and sevens The hair raising scene, he created. All buyers held their breath. Then he came to grinding halt And he laughed loudly and uttered It is First April, the Fool's Day I so celebrated this day in rush of dude show Then he paid the amount for damaged articles And he got lost. ©️ Shib Raj Pradhan India Bolt From The Blue I always thought I'd missed the love boat That ship had well and truly sailed... and then I saw you It was an amour fou... A bolt from the blue! Friends always advised me After each inevitable break up That there were "plenty more fish in the sea" but I was once bitten, twice shy There was never a fish just for me, Once in a blue moon love comes along and it's worth its weight in gold, Yet my heart grew cold... Until I saw you My bolt from the blue! At once you were the apple of my eye but I was so timid, so pathetically shy, and I wanted to talk to you ~ I got cold feet Why would you be interested in someone like me? It takes two to tango ~ so we would never meet, I dreamt that we could see eye to eye Together, two peas in a pod, For you were a bolt from the blue My soul cried out when I first saw you! It is always darkest before dawn and I worried someone would steal your heart, It was time to steal someone else's thunder I had to take the horse by the reins Else we'd be destined to remain apart, Now every day, come rain or shine I smile inside because I'm yours and you're mine, Through thick and thin I pledge my love to you My passion, my soulmate... My bolt from the blue! ©️ Rhiannon Owens, 2024 UK Idioms Do not turn around a Bush And try to give ears to your heart rough waters make good sailors And every end has a new start If you are really under my spell And cherish my company Dump your bucket into the well And see the beauty of love in me Your presence would take me to the seventh sky That's why dear I would fight tooth and nail believe in rosy lanes because tomorrow is another day Pure feelings are never sought on bail ©️ Sihem Cherif Tunisia