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Featuring the collaborative work of 4 poets.


Dear, I would like to tell you a dream I dreamt,


Oneiric I, a girl cured from


In kip, also I was mesmerized

by her pirouette, like a ballet


In the misty journey of Atticism

her oeuvre was

like a fog dog

Dear! Let's appreciate

their wonderful seadog!

© Subhashchandra Adhav India


Dear, the seadog's skill

to read the fogdog is admirable

For it enabled you in kip to view the ballerina's pirouette

As well as experience her Atticism

praiseworthy in the songs she sang

An angel she, as doubly blessed

with a complete oeuvre

You too, blessed to view in oneiric

this divine sight

Dear, that seadog should be appreciated

who steered your dream

to light



Nature, my friend, is a source of imagination for any artist's oeuvre, filling everyone

with a flood of emotions

She's expressed in a swan's pirouette

during the spectacular show

on clear waters of the lake

being admired by men and beasts alike

She's the Atticism in every poet's humble verse

on pages of the writer's novel, especially when

they describe her divine beauty.

Although she may appear as a fogdog in the real world

During certain seasons when we least expect it,

she appears even during our kip as a powerful goddess

blessing us with an oneiric story filled with excitement

that we will write when we'll wake up.

*** The virgin ground untanned like kip's innocent pirouette

whirling to the oneiric euphoria of the broad day fantasy

Nature natured in the maiden Cupid, a suavely impeccable


that comforts Adam from time to its end,

paradise, the terra surface for the survival of all.

Together, let's till the flowered land and

write our earth's serenade on the veranda of terra verde

A season's song that echoes earth's lullaby and scape

our unbiased ouevre, a common page for all creatures.

Call all, that's unscientifically affected to tryst in the cozy

of Amazon, and be snapped with the fogdog of the sun,

our bond and atticism to our form which every natural being

enjoys the free offers of the virgin ground, when deflowered

by the impact of its inhabitants and we peep

through the fog of Eden to see the sky.

Nature is the form we commonly share without any prejudice

no one complains over one's portion

The fold, where true humanity exists.



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1 comentário

27 de ago.

Thank you for publishing our poem into your prestigious magazine!

Congratulations everyone!

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