(Circa August, 2021) By Scott Thomas Outlar
Stretching under shooting stars. Walking early to greet the rising dawn. Do you think I’m ever going to throw in my lot with the crowd running this show? They’re the most ridiculous creatures on earth. It’s certifiably absurd. But despite the sordid mess they’ve stirred up, I’m buzzing with thankfulness, gratitude, and appreciation for the blessing of being alive during this most interesting age.
Beneath the Milky Way, a jolt of electricity is received, a pulse of peace is bestowed in blessing, a shockwave of higher resonance frequency is felt throughout the flesh as a subtle shiver taps the spine… deep in the bass of the bones.
Whether it be by stepping under the canopy of a fig tree in the heart of summer’s heat to cross through a portal and enter a Wonderland of ripened fruit hanging overhead by the hundreds; or whether it be while walking beneath a sidereal map of the constellated grid with key stars blinking as crystalized diamonds with red and green flashes of light that signal the vibrations of source encoding; or whether it be stationed between two walls and a vaulted ceiling some many years ago in a house with posters of incubus and nirvana interwoven to create an archway of heaven that imbues the living room with the energetic inspiration of muses and music; or whether it be in the form of a rainbow appearing after a storm subsides as the roaring sun reemerges to bless the earth with its holiest wonders of bliss…
It’s all cut from the same cloth, a blanket finely woven, a Jeweled Net of Indra, an enmeshment of synchronicity, a divine web of nature’s sublimity, a mandala of manifesting matrices, a concordance of congruent alignment, a balance between order and chaos, a clarion call, a karmic scale weighing out, a heart and a feather, a seat of the soul, an Eye of Horus, a pineal transformation, a transcendent alteration, an apotheosis, a revelation, a renaissance, a consciousness in bloom and bursting.
Hold the helm steady as the ship sets sail.
And now for a little dose of recent news stylized in the form of chaos theory…
A butterfly flutters its wings across the street; an earthquake rumbles in Haiti; the Taliban overtakes Afghanistan; a blind man points in a backwards direction; smoke gathers in the western sky; medical quarantine tents are set up by authoritarians in the front yards of Australian citizens’ homes like some scene out of ET; aliens shake their heads in disbelief; hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of protestors take to the streets in 15 major French cities; Canadians march en masse as signs of resistance grow stronger throughout the world; tyrants twist the Patriot Act to label Americans as potential domestic terrorists as the always-intended application of the Trojan Horse legislation is finally brought to light and manifested; French police patrol outdoor cafes to harass the patrons with demands to see their papers; German forces attack the elderly and children as visions of the new Reich become brutally apparent; human-trafficking drug cartels run their deadly scheme on the Mexico/US border; the Secretary of Defense dons a weird mask that mirrors his likeness to that of Darth Vader; the banksters buy up foreclosures to consolidate more power; Klaus Schwab propagates the globalist Great Reset by announcing the international communist campaign slogan, “You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy”; liberty takes a punch to the guts; a dragonfly flutters its wings across the sea; and the beat of the New World Order marches on…
But enough of all that for now.
For many years one of the central expressions I have been promoting and advocating in favor of is the great affirmation of life, saying Yes to the process with a triumphant declaration even in the face of the suffering and sorrow that are inherent elements of existing in the flesh here on earth.
It is a concept born from the teachings of Joseph Campbell.
And while I still believe this to be a powerful spiritual philosophy to extoll for the development of mindfulness and resiliency in dealing with the problems we naturally go through in life’s trials, tests, and tribulations, we have now entered a period of time in the world where there must be subtle adjustments made.
Because now the moment has arrived where the most powerful word left in our lexicon and the most important ideological stance that can be taken when dealing with psychopathic eugenicists is to simply say: NO.
In the time of judgment there will be none who can say they were not warned. But there will be many who lament over having turned a blind eye to the truth when it was revealed, deciding instead to tie their knot with the Beast System.
We have arrived full circle/cycle. A return to hieroglyphs and genetic coding. And now? Another spin.
Woe be in the Age of corruption and tyranny? Or a Renaissance of the Roaring Twenties? Only time will tell. Choose your own adventure. But don’t blink or else you’ll miss the next peak. It’s going to be a blast.
Scott Thomas Outlar lives and writes in the suburbs outside of Atlanta, Georgia. His work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net. He guest-edited the Hope Anthology of Poetry from CultureCultPress as well as the 2019, 2020, and 2021 Western Voices Editions of Setu Magazine. He has been a weekly contributor at Dissident Voice for the past seven years. Selections of his poetry have been translated into Afrikaans, Albanian, Azerbaijani, Bengali, Dutch, French, Hindu, Italian, Kurdish, Malayalam, Persian, Serbian and Spanish. His seventh book, 'Evermore', was written in collaboration with coauthor Mihaela Melnic and released in 2021. More about Outlar's work can be found at 17Numa.com