A monostich is a single-lined micro poem expressing a complete thought. It is usually written as an unabridged concept with sagacity, in other words, it should be insightful and profound. Twelve people engaged in the challenge and were required to apply at least one of the specific words offered, also required to write in one, complete line, with breaks of commas in paragraphical form. Only one poet chose not to write in paragraphical form, instead he wrote the commonly written sentence. Each poet wrote impeccably, and for this reason, ILA Magazine decided to publish all.
"A Mellifluous Monostich"
May serendipity not be obfuscated behind inexorably pulchritudinous intentions, paradise is never lost nor hidden to irrefutably beautiful actions, for righteous decisions answer to the heavens revealed one inevitably divine result that was always meant to be.
© Matt Elmore
"A Mellifluous Monostich"
Serendipity of pulchritudinous personality obfuscates inexorably.
© Prasanna Bhatta
"Untitled" From the core of yore, a bang like a penetrating serendipity cradled a thought, a notion that on its partially broken wings cart a pulchritudinous memory like an unwelcome guest to nurse a lacerated wound, a well that in its profound womb, traps the sky for no eye of narrow walls reach where human tearful eyes reach and teaches a lesson otherwise inexorable.
© Mushtaque B. Barq
Srinagar, Jammu/Kashmir
"Monostich" You come to my senses, haunting my inner thoughts, like an old faded photograph that obfuscated the remnants of bitter-sweet memories, lingering on like silky cobwebs fluttering in my mind, so vague and indistinct like that moonless summer night when we said goodbye and there's no coming back to retrace the footsteps, as you melted away in the shadows of the dark.
© Gus Perez Amio
"The Serendipitous Journey"
Endowed with inexorable possibilities, unique and different from other species, which often make human beings swing like a pendulum between reason and obfuscating diffidence, or between love and hatred or indifference, depending on the path chosen in life's pulchritudinous journey, makes life, though brief, an uncertain but meaningful sojourn of serendipity.
© Kalucharan Sahu India
"What Everyone Is Truly Seeking" Walking on the open meadow, with the floral scent pleasing your nose, with fresh morning breeze touching your face, with nature's symphony pleasing your ears, being alone with yourself, having some time to recharge your batteries, away from the hustle and bustle of the chaotic world, letting inner peace settle in and drinking from the fountain of wisdom, is the serendipity moment everyone is seeking.
© Gheorghe Laura
It breaks my heart to see you saddened, feeling oppressed, obfuscate or trodden, I would fight pulchritudinous for your pride, to always stand by your side and I would fight inexorably, not to see you crying or even see by serendipity, your smile dying.
© Nasser Alshaikhahmed
Saudi Arabia
"Flowing Waves"
Damp mist of salty air whirling around my being, as the splashing wave ebbs away, relieves a sudden sensation of joy, leaving a stoic smile on my dry lips, the depth of gloominess covered in dark, foggy clouds projecting a cool, magnificent place well hidden, the pulchritudinous tide flowing in unison, gives a reminiscent of sublime beauty.
© Gloria Magallanes-Loeb
The inexorable truth, simply by serendipity, I met my wife at a waiting shed with an obfuscated glass wall, while we are waiting to ride a bus and I was charmed by her pulchritudinous physique upon spotlight by the bus headlights.
© Ency Bearis
In trailing pulchritudinous of quietness in her lone part, there followed the tiptoeing thuds inexorable, which sailed at low, fondling tint of obfuscating grip of memory zone, which forced her to steer the day apart to far site and made her to lie like a torn brochure.
© Shiv Raj Pradhan
Siliguri, West Bengal
A pulchritudinous flow of a river kissed the obfuscated passion of a poet with a bubble of to enchant him with an inexorably heartfelt spirit to flame his intensity into an impassioned bowl of emotional happy tears to be celebrated with his craft of melodramatic ink!
© Sonal Rao
In the obfuscated chaos of life's labyrinth, serendipity whispers softly, gently guiding us inexorably towards our destiny, unfolding the resplendent patchwork of moments that intertwine, illuminating the path ahead.
© Concetta Pipia

Congratulations everyone, beautiful pieces, keep up the good work 👏👏👏
Thank you for publishing my poem!
The other poems are nice and profound.
Congratulations everyone! 😉