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The TELESTICH is quite the challenging poetic/literary device, where letters in a series of lines or verse, form a word, phrase, name or successive letters of the alphabet - it is a type of 'acrostic' of which is spelled out and composed into hidden messages or wordplay. Although in acrostic, the first letters of each line spell a word, in a TELESTICH poem, the last letters of each line spell out a word, name or key message. The 'hidden message' or word can also be written within a poem, internally. "MANGO" FRUIT

I went to M arket to buy M ango and ripe pal M
Looked A round for the A vailability of Aren A Saw one N ice and ripened, N owhere like it see N My utter G rief, looks that G ay but sour stron G Beauty O utside is only O vert like mango to O © PRASANNA BHATTA
India D ark is the S ky, so is this min D I ntense its O rigin, unlike min E B rutally R avishes the ta G B ut a roa R loses an oa R L isten to O cean's silenc E E volves a W orld out of rippl E MUSHTAQUE B. BARQ Jammu/Kashmir, India "PHILIPPINES" Like petals scattered at sea in the ma P Greets the rising sun in its virgin Flas H Stringing the fronds, angels made a le I Bestowed to a people blessed and specia L Brave and resilient as the desert cact I A land where summertime doesn't seem to sto P Sun drenched beaches white and cris P Where all are blessed with a positive ch I An Eden, our very own slice of Heave N A God given piece of earthly paradis E Philippines, my dearly beloved Philippine S © MYRTLE REYES EVE TEJADA Philippines "APPLAUSE" In comedy or dram A We always need a pre P to make step after ste P and the result is vita L in comedy or dram A It's crucial to be yo U Not to be more or les S And the success will com E © BOGDANA GAGEANU Romania "CLOUDS" Walking on C louds Why can't we wa L k on the grounds? You O nce belonged to me This tho U ght, is enough for me? I'm hollowe D by the peck I shall never receive My desire S will forever remain in fiery breeze. © SHEILA ANN Malaysia "POETRY" The wheel of wisdom atoP Endears humans to a cryptO With salubrious words to inspirE Swords ignorance to expertise fleeT and mellows human's angeR Flapped with reasons to be HappY © IKWULONO MOHAMMED SENISON NIGERIA Reconciling "DIFFERENCES" (A Fictionary Dictionary for Another Dinosaur Thesaurus) I've tried subverting D ominant paradigms Scripturient poet for I nviting new rhymes Ambuliterate I go to F eign walks proven I talk
Seeking sweetening F ast haughty squawks Exposing extremely E rratic booksy literary cant Commonalities dive R aw divsivly into rants Reverently soft poet E lation validates cracks Vibraating posh lush N ectary lectory of no maps Diligent reconciling C areful diffuse of bombs Warrior logophile of E xtreme worthy word calms A lubrocubicularist S o beat...dreaming of sleep © MATT ELMORE USA

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