ILA Magazine
Where Culture Meets Creativity
Room With A View
Imagine stepping into a room that takes your breath away, especially if it's a window, terrace, in the confines of your home or in another place. Whether it's rustic, bucolic charm, a city street, a heartfelt poignant view of struggle or landscapes that stretch out in front of you, lush greenery blanketing rolling hills or sunrise/sunsets and. cosmic views, from the 18 wonderful entries ILA Magazine received, we chose 7 BEST ENTRIES in our September 5 - 8th "ROOM WITH A VIEW" (WOW - Word of the Week) Prompt Challenge who truly captured the concept of our theme. Although we could not publish all entries, we wholeheartedly thanked the participants for engaging our prompt. "HERE IN THE SUN-KISSED BALCONY" Standing here on this sun-kissed balcony, I take it all in,
The warm rays of the sunset on my skin.
The vineyard stretches out like a golden sea,
And the fragrant breeze imparts its mysteries to me.
The aroma of fresh-baked cake, a strawberry kiss so sweet,
A goldfinch resting gracefully atop a hill, a sight hard to beat.
Ancient walls and a cathedral bathed in light,
In this timeless moment, everything feels perfect and right.
Though the world seems to pause, my heart wide agape,
And the view before me, from the sunset's castle, takes shape.
No need to mull or question because it's just pure delight,
As peace and wonder cuddles me tonight.
With my worries of tomorrow pushed far away,
Oh in this fugacious whim, my soul comes out to play.
Waking up from my peaceful slumber,
I'm greeted by the shining sun
Like a fashion model in the spotlight
The moment I joyfully go into the balcony.
Helios had to invite the red fairies
To join me on stage to satisfy their whim.
Dressed in comfortable green clothes,
The Titan stands tall in front of everyone
Reminding us that we have to get to the highest peak
To reach the Kingdom of the Light.
With my mouth agape, I admire the view
While being watched by nature's pillars.
The fresh fir scent appeases the soul
Of any busy worried tired city dweller.
With an optimistic view of life,
I'm ready to start a new day.
© GHEORGHE LAURA Romania Below, photograph taken by Poetess Gheorghe Laura
August 27, 2023
Whence I set out upon that balcony,
A realm unknown unfurls before my eyes,
And in a gasp, my breath is snatched away,
As time rewinds, and magic shall arise.
Agape, my mouth hangs open, wide and still,
For what I see no mortal words suffice,
A cosmic dance of stars in brightest thrill,
As constellations mull destiny's dice.
Beneath a shroud of twilight's velvet veil,
I glimpse a land where dreams and wonders blend,
Where whims appease, where fantasies set sail,
In amorous skies, a realm eternal, pend.
The moon, a silver orb, like opal's light,
Casts shimmering hues upon a world unknown,
While nebulas of vibrant colors bright,
Paint golden dreams upon a spectral zone.
A tapestry of everlasting trance,
Of galaxies and worlds yet unseen,
Transcendent beauty, infinite expanse,
Draws me into a celestial sheen.
A thousand worlds as one before my gaze,
Each birthing tales of heroes yet unsung,
Where gods and creatures whirl in cosmic maze,
In vistas where imagination's hung.
Oh, perfect moment, thou art breathless grace,
Transporting me to realms that cease to be,
In this celestial dance, my soul's embrace,
Immersed in realms, my human self set free.
Agape, I stand upon this balcony,
And whisper 'cross a cosmos undefiled,
Where wonders roam, where grace and dream appease,
Where beauty lies, in every whispered wild.
USA "ON THE TERRACE" On a whim, I spent a day
At our terrace sitting quietly
Watching the sunrise break, unfold
Tint gray sky azure, then to gold
As yonder on the grassy field
The sun kissed flowers stir awake
Leafy boughs swaying in the breeze
Colorful butterflies then race
To be the blooms' very first kiss
The day is filled with subtle bliss
And as the sun bids the sky adieu
I gazed agape at the enchanting view
The clouds dyed in myriad shades
Pink, purple, orange, gold and red
While perched in nearby trees robins flit
Seeming to mull if the place is safe
A niche to cuddle with their mates
I spent the night in a tete-a-tete
With the moon and stars till dawn breaks
Closing my eyes, my weariness appease
Enjoyed a day of restful sleep
Overmorrow, here I'll again sit.
A view from the inside delighted my eyes
Bedecked with crimson flowers, splintered with snow-white clouds
An eternity of azure backdrop serenely lies
Where angels seem to frolic in their exuberant flights
Summer in full throttle has finally come to us
Like an air valve constricting the cold winds' blast
The hills and plains turn out to be like steaming mass
Even the sparrows swooped down away from the sweltering flash
Old trees shed down their yellowing leaves
What's left of them are gnarled branches and twigs
Like outstretched arms they seemed to beg
For mercy and rain, to quench and appease their thirst
But summer is a season of gaiety, whines, and fun
A time to set aside all chores and be beach-bound
Friends and lovers reunite, no matter how far they are
For now that summer's here, the rains may not be far behind.
Philippines Below, photography taken by Poet/Photographer, Gus Perez Amio
"ROOM WITH A VIEW" Lying listless, sullen and sad
Mad whims surging in the head
About a truant held dearest
Overwhelmed and distraught
Over mulling what the overmorrow
Brings about love
In the pensive fit of melancholy
Out he darts of the gloomier room
In the balcony faintly lit
By the light of stellar enchantment
To somewhat appease
The rigid heaviness mounting
Over and over the dismal heart
It was the full moon night
As I raised my glance
At the haloed bewitchment
Lo and behold, ah! See
The very woman in my heart
Glistened in the radiant sheen.
Wonder struck and agape, bewildered
The eyes forgot their blink
And the rapt visionary
Lost to the world
Stood adoring fervently for the night.
Much taxed heart in low voice sighed but
And over the wings the unaddressed yearning
Took me to the Zabarwan house, so calm
What appeasing silence greeted the dim eyes
When on the line of apple, nightingale I found
In a jiffy, the whim of this settled heart
Raised its wish to be a part of party
Right then, on the mount top from the balcony
A snow capped top winked at me
The pulse paused my pace and like a madman
I stood agape, for the nightingale stirred
Just then a blush of breeze
Passed down my spine
When in the lawn I found my beloved, too.
© MUSHTAQUE B. BARQ Jammu/Kashmir, India.