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Painting/Poem: "My Inspiration"

by Suzette Portes San Jose you are...
the way that I do
go your way to joy and happiness
and lead me through my emptiness
where you go I will be there with you
in all you say and do, the glory I knew

you are...
the way that I do
somehow the hope in the fate of my faith
the heartbeat that succumbed to my desire
the moment I cried out to claim my birth
in my solitude, I grope my heart in dire

you are
the way that I do...
the choices for the path you abide to follow
where the yearning I longed...lost to burrow
incantation of a heart abandoned the senses
upon the darkened depth I drift into glimpses

you are
the way that I do
flowed within the dimension of time unknown
to awaken from reality finding myself all alone
been seeking to belong and to dwell all along
my sing again my endless song

© Oil Paint on Canvas and Poem by Suzette Portes San Jose

Painting/Poem: "My Inspiration"
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