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December "Editor's Choice" Poem

"Are We Getting Old?" (A dedication to our respected friend in Heaven: De Stella Puricelli) A Scooter
Was Wrooming On the Wide Roads of Coimbatore The accident took place On 15.12.2018... Two veterans flew up and fell... My friends both... Murali had fractures
and external injuries... Vetri the rider, was safe After three months Murali's face was glowing Peace written all over

I wrote back to him... "Murali, your face is glowing...
I too wanted to have an accident If I can get a Glowing Peace...!!!" After four years
On a scooter on 08-12-2022... I had to kiss the ground One hour and 10 minutes
I have lost my senses I didn't know Who I am... My Wife called "Where are you?" I have just understood Who I Am Sitting on A side wall With helmet on... The lake behind me Said Where I am "I said, I am coming...!!!" Our reflexes and evasive actions Are falling behind More than .25 seconds average...!!! Like that of helpless goal keepers Diving to the right or to the
A chance taking as a compulsion...!!! The ball reaches the goal post In .16 seconds on a penalty strike But in life... It might turn out to be
A blind corner or a fatal full stop...??!! "Hence my bravehearts... Few things on a platter...!!!" Few things to follow...!!! Listen to your body components
which are murmuring...!!
If you neglect...

There is a chance of revolt...
By the silent masses...!!!
** Breath healthy air...!!!

Enjoy the inhaling
Hold the air dearly in your lungs
Exhale the dear air like that of a miser...!!!

Breathing is an Art...!!!
** Sun is a blessing
Everything in the world...

Have some respect for the sun...!!!
The Sunlight is available and aplenty
Hence we are not attracted

Dare your bare body to the sun
And take his blessing
For 15 minutes in a day...!!!
** Food intake is an interaction
Enjoy the food...!!!
Take time to chew and feel them...!!!

Let the tastes have their say
Listen and absorb them evenly
Love your food
Before you churn and enjoy...!!!

Eating is an art, too...!!!
** Hurrying up...
Rushing up is not necessary...!!!

You are not going to catch
The moon by jumping the line...!!!

Have an attitude...!!!

The moon in your hand
Is not going to make you
Any more comfortable either...!!!

Be graceful with your actions...

Rhythmic movements makes a dance
Exercise is not rhythmic
And hence you don't enjoy

Make your work
Like that of a rhythmic dance...!!!

Dance is an Art, my friends...!!!
** Sprinting time had gone...!!!
It is a marathon time...
Consistent efforts...
Are the need of the hour...!!!
** Patience is a very good doctor
For yourself...
And for our neighbors around...

Wear the garland of patience
Around your neck all the time

It is the most charming
Ornament and an attire
You could easily afford
** Alcohol is a very dear one...
Too many of my friends...!!!

Each time he visits

He parts with something
From you all the time
Apart from your money...!!!

Sometimes he takes away
Something from your home, too...!!

Never allow him so much intimacy
Knowhow is good enough a thing...!!!
** Never argue with...
Your wife, friend or with a comrade...

Especially with a stranger...!!!

You cannot change
Anyone's window of perceptions...!!!

Can you remodel
Their windows
With that of your choices

Air your views
If it is well taken
The benefits are home

You too, must receive some airing...
It is good for your bearings...!!!

At an advanced life
Is like a dare devil drive...!!!
** Go for a hunting...!!!
You must go for it frequently...!!?!!

Not with bows...
And the arrows...
Or with the guns, either...!!!

"Good will hunting...!!!"

You can have a meaningful life...!!

When you die...
Die with your head held high
And be sure
With a smile on your face...!!!

These are written...
For the Veteran horses...

Not for the young guns...
And the calves...!!!


December "Editor's Choice" Poem
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