ILA Magazine
Where Culture Meets Creativity
Autumn and Other Poems
Ending on September 30th, ILA chose 4 poets of the week and their poems to be featured here. INAMORATA She's been here...
Her effervescence lingers and
the space ere is still bright
from her passing.
The air carries the pleasant
ethereal scent of her soul...
And the flowers are still smiling.
She wonders how I always know. © Christopher Mercon "An Only Child"
I used to speak to shadows,
Some of them became my friends,
We'd walk along quiet country roads,
And talk for hours on end.
We'd ride to where the Dragon lived,
And slay him with our shadow-swords,
Join the Foreign Legion,
And fight in desert wars.
Save the damsel in distress,
By climbing up the tower,
Robbed trains with Jessie James,
We played for hours and hours.
I'd sit up in bed on winter nights,
Sometimes listening to the rain,
And read them stories from my books,
They never once complained.
Jim Hawkins on Treasure Island,
How Davy Crockett died;
The Dandy and the Beano,
Rupert Bear and the Famous Five.
Sometimes Spot my dog, would join the fun,
And they never seemed to mind,
It was in a time wen days were perfect,
When even the seasons were in rhyme.
I don't know where my friends are now?
I sometimes wonder if they were ever there at all?
These days I see - but barely recognize -
My own shadow on the wall. © John Anthony Fingleton (Löst Viking) "A PILLOW'S TALE" A Comforter
for badly grafted maladies.
scarred -
but is slowly, hopefully recovering.
A Pit
for sad remnants of old regrets.
expectant -
ever so slowly, healing.
A Blankie for soiled, throbbing heartaches.
hesitant -
but welcoming the significant new.
A Friend
against downcast skies
bereft of sunrise -
heralding the appearance of rainbow!
A Reservoir for broken dreams and cropped
failures -
meaningfully holding to sweet promises.
A Cushion
for sinful, salty tears
kissed, hugged -
by lovely-wrapped pillowcase!
© Maria Evelyn Quilla Soleta "Autumn" Loneliness knows how to feel good
and that's when the soul takes a nap.
The light in the darkness shines
and the sun when there is none.
This autumn is beautiful,
the soul smells of a song,
rustling autumn leaves
the drizzling of autumn rains.
Silence reigns within me,
the rain is making my face wet.
I wonder where you are now -
my streets are deserted.
Thoughts from my soul come out,
memories fly to the sky,
quietly they are dying inside me
when they think of you.
This autumn is beautiful,
the leaves are falling down from the branches...
As I wander down the street of dreams,
my hope is coming back.
And let the rain fall,
let it slide down my face.
Some where far away right now
the birds have flown away.
Autumn nights of rainbows
Heal the feeling of sadness.
A door to dreams has opened -
It is a beautiful autumn this one.
© Душан Ковачевић Батуља
(Dusan Kovacevic Batulja)