ILA Magazine
Where Culture Meets Creativity
A Pair of Poems
Why in the world,
would someone choose
to live alone -
in solitude?
He could be a wizard,
so some folks thought;
or perhaps a warlock,
that's not far-off.
To esoteric knowledge,
he is drawn;
believes in black magic,
crafts lesser known.
He talks to plants,
and whispers to trees;
in them, he finds comfort,
and healing spree.
An animal lover,
he's got lots of them;
wherever he goes,
they'd come in droves.
But as for him,
he but normal;
just a bit disillusioned,
with humans in general.
© Don Luman-ag
Far beyond what we could ever grasp
Across the vast expanse of skies above
Depths profound that one can only grasp
Wells the eternal source of purest love.
Way above what we can ever see
Outside the range of visibility
Lies the seat of the powers that be
Wave emanating from eternity
Distance - - eons and light years away
Wormhole cannot traverse in a jiffy
In search of deity great price men pay
While the portal lays bare in you and me.
© Don Luman-ag