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VOICES OF THE VOID: SOLILOQUY - I What I am in reality! Humans on that
Sun - orbiting grain in space and time
Keep hammering their hearts and brains
To know, to feel and to get the throb of
My being! What I am in reality! That is
The question of questions that haunts
Myself as much as it does the humans. This far I know I am 'nothing' in the sense
That I am not 'a particular thing', nor am I
Confined to the free play of electrons that
Underlie all thinking objects for my humans
Electrons are but minute droplets that come
Out with my sneezing that accompanies my
Hiccups and they're everywhere one and same
I myself wonder how they bundle to make one
Thing different from the other when summed. Nor even am I captivated by the shrines and
Temples that are loud of songs and prayers
At all hours of day and night. Nor even I am
God's first light that emits from my hiccup
That they say "the Big Bang." In timeless
'Beyond' of my being, I release how many
Hiccups I have not counted, and each of
Them conjures up a universe to exist for
An ephemeral instant, scaffolded on my
framed-up space and time to put up stage
plays to wrap up for the next succeeding
moment, to give way to my next hiccup that
I do often in my self-same weary, utter solitude.


Then what I am! In the essence
Of my being what I am! That is
The question of questions that
Niggles me for ever and snaps
My long, long spell of slumber! The moment I do "will" once ever to
Reveal myself, I see that I am verily
bubbling from my timeless stillness
From my boundless stretch of infinity!
Into forms finite from my formless entity!
My eternal slumber is awakened
At once my revelation shapes up
In the cosmoses spinning from
Within myself, dancing down all
The dimensions that there can be. Questions galore come crowding me:
Am I the sand grains baked by the sun
Am I the blazing supernova and stars
Am I the sky and waters and the wind
Am I the songs and dances of life dogged
By the shadowy death to stalk life to take it
To a moment's rest in graves under willows
Weeping and keening with aspens' chorus I am verily such as all these that make man
Love and live and die and a rest awhile after
A return to the shorelines of the sea that man
Braves...braving crested waves to live and die.
The instant I reveal I see I'm both life and death
And rebirth in another form somewhere in time.

Do not say you are the infinitesimally small part
Of the infinitely big whole. Do not say that I fail,
However I try, to encompass you, O, the Void as
You are the whole; how can I, a mere part know
Your big whole in its entirety? From your tiniest
to the longest stretch, how can this puniest of
Parts can know the Whole of You, O, the Void!
Oh, the Beginningless! O, the Endless! O, My God
Of Time and Timelessness, of the Fair and the
Foul! Uncircumscribed by heavens and hells! What your logic says do not hear it and think it
over, as more often than not your logic and law
of the court as well turn falsifications of truth.
Your logic says: when the part is taken away
The whole is minus that of the "taken-off part"!
Hear me then! I'm neither the "whole" nor am I
The "part". I am both, beyond the finites of your
Whole and Part. None is indeed part of me to
Be severed and snatched away from my being.
Idols or the legion of fiends and fallen angels
are all equally the holograms of my Infinity of
Manifestations. I dwell across the angelic and
the devilish, the divine and the hellish. No!
None of your parameters of 'fair and foul' fall
outside my scope as I am in my abodes in all,
in the darkest dark of me is seeded the lamp
that glows from within and hold up to you this
Pageant of Paradise and Nether world! My
spasm swings between the two: if you worship
Me, you worship yourself too, as you are one of
my inseparable reflections on the scaffolding
of finites and manifold manifestations indwelt
by me across all binaries and opposites galore.
Whichever way you worship, it comes to me!
Amen! Amen! Amen! © Jay Basu

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