ILA Magazine
Where Culture Meets Creativity
"TRUE FRIENDSHIP" "Friends love through all kinds of weather" is a biblical=based barometer of true friendship.
True friendship doesn't need to be measured by length of time. It is established by the commonality of two empaths who have shared Clair-sentience on unspoken values and beliefs surrounding their life's circumstances, events, experiences and situations that befall them.
It is a bond bordered on mutual trust, honesty, camaraderie and respect. A friendship with open arms, in-depth understanding and ever flowing outgoing concern for each other which is extended to their families, friends and even strangers.
A friendship that gives an impact to each side, a friendship that makes a difference by supporting each through thick and thin. I have felt that friendship in a college classmate I have just found, and, again, through Facebook.
Our tears, pain and hardships we both suffered due to poverty in the past didn't give us the reasons to give up on life. We pursued our dreams beyond belief. And that dream is simply to live, to appreciate and be grateful of every blessing we breathe in and out.
We are a living testimony of that lasting "True Friendship" even if it only resides in the mind and heart of our souls. We may be separated by unforeseen circumstances but our spirits remain unbeaten and unbroken.
Post Script:
My friend now lives in Germany with two children and a grandson. Thank you, Ninfa P. Priebe, for your special friendship, I have never forgotten through the years!