ILA Magazine
Where Culture Meets Creativity
My Angel
With elegant steps, she quietly glides,
And ascents on bed with gentle strides,
A deity of feminine opulence made rare,
Her radiance arouses my hearts' in fire.
Eyes, twin stars that sparkle bright,
Gleaming with carnal shades of light,
Revealing the colors of passion, I crave,
The purest form of love's alluring wave.
Her touch and kiss, her slow game of caress
Seizing my mind and soul to openly confess
That, she is the frame of bold romance's art,
and has the power to satisfy lovers heart.
Her voice and gasps, a song of rousing score,
Attuned of desires and cuddles, all night's chore.
She weaves her skill through the pose and bare,
Guiding all my needs into her tenderly care.
She is my angel of love, with golden wings,
Her being in my world keeps me breathing.
Our souls and body fused in by fidelity and faith,
And elevating our love into heaven's delight.
© Augustin Omni