ILA Magazine
Where Culture Meets Creativity
Moments of Contemplation
A Compilation of Quotes Between January 2022 to May 2022, we have chosen a compilation of quotes by various writers/poets, from our weekly "Anything Friday" offerings (A Free Day offering, where anything goes, for poets and artists to submit their multitalented work), to weekly prompts, and thought to feature all on the same page, so, without further ado, relax, sit back and read these beautiful quotes in moments of contemplation... "A defeat in life's battles teaches a deeper wistful reflection to a true sense of humility in the face of triumphs." © Lyn B. Pastrana "My fragile dream still possesses a gentleness, an ambience and a wistful elegance." © Amrita Mallik "Rescue yourself to a pool of gloom, let go of wistful emotion that burdens you to move on. Remember, there's always a glimpse of hope in times of despair." © Dimple Lobo Corcino Opina "Life is not all about elation for joy, success and triumphs. It, too, is tinged with wistful nostalgia that makes us reflect why things happened the way they were, as regrets often come too late to change the sonata of dramatic ends." © Leah Dancel "Yesteryears' memorable memories won't come back into realities; All are but reflections of treasured moments in wistful yesterdays." © Ninfa Vasquez Mateo "A vibe from wistful heart is the reflection of longing love." © Imtiyaz Pandow "Wistful" For oft, when on my couch I lie,
In wistful or cheerful mood,
Your love flashes upon my inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude.
© Prasanna Bhatta "Be optimistic in all your endeavors and you will definitely end up thriving." © Ababio Sylvester Owusu "Educate your mind with the treasures of love, care and harmony that will maintain peace." © Deepti Shakya "World is not good when we have intolerance for humans and nature." © Amb Maid Čorbić "No matter how much we digress, ignore and apply our rules, we will remain dancers to the divine music. Hence, instead of peeping into other's lives, we should focus on our own performances."
© Amrita Mallik "You only stop striving when you are out of breath, don't give up on doing the good things for humanity." © Han Quoc Vu "At times. you need to fight for your dreams, even if it means to take precarious risks." © Ababio Sylvester Owusu "It is better to be loved by a right person than to love a wrong one." © Iraj Shariq "Mother Nature gave us the responsibility of keeping the earth green, and conserving natural resources; It's our duty to keep it green and clean." © Deepti Shakya "The pain of life is a worry for those who have no will when falling down, but it is a lesson for those who know how to stand up." © Han Quoc Vu "Irony and full of questions is life, we leave our comfort zone to fulfill our ambitions and goals to pile on some more." © Anjana Prasad "The heart of a man is darker than an opaque cloud of night, but the faintest ray of love brightens its nooks and crannies and reveal its hidden secrets before men!" © Akori Clement "Be it roses or thorns
Cross the road with determination
Follow your dream
With unending resolution."
© Rita Chugh "World deserves actions and big moments for showing majestic emotions." © Maid Čorbić "Prayer is the only ladder through which we can reach to God." © Monalisa Parida "RESILIENCY is the ability to bounce back when the going gets tough, to weather the challenges, face the difficulties on hand, with face held up as you walk your path." © Feliz Ruiz "Do not judge a man by what you hear of him, judge him by what you know of him, because the friend of one man may be the enemy of another." © Akori Clement "War cannot return time and loss to humanity; Peace can be of love and existence for us." © Han Quoc Vu "When pride is aroused, learning will be impaired; When humility is humbled, understanding grows more and more."
© Han Quoc Vu "A great teacher sets his/her learning objectives achievable and measurable. Makes his/her learning sessions innovative, enjoyable and interesting for pupils and manages the available time efficiently." © Gul Bakhti