ILA Magazine
Where Culture Meets Creativity
INSECTS and Other Poems
Written by Bogdana Gageanu from Romania People can treat you like insects
And they smash you with no remorse
Trying to make you feel small
And insignificant for this world
But let's not forget that the honey
Is produced by insects called bees.
It does not matter the size
Is what you do that matters.
© Bogdana Gageanu
Some people want to learn from mistakes
And some people don't
That is why they don't pass the life's class
Until they don't understand why.
They keep repeating mistakes
And call everything as bad luck.
You cannot finish a book
Until you read to learn.
© Bogdana Gageanu EXPECTATIONS
Do not have great expectations
Your mind will be as foggy as London
First, build your wall
Then, use the power of dreams
To jump over the wall
Expectations make you be the wall.
Bogdana Gageanu THE OLIVES I like eating olives
They always remind me
Of exotic places
and of the Bible
and of Christianity.
Eating olives is like
Eating a piece of Heaven
And Lord is our Host.
© Bogdana Gageanu