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The theme for our April 19th Prompt, we kept in honor of Earth Day (April 22, 2022). Though Earth Day should be celebrated every day (though more with environmentalists and other earth-conscious people), it is observed in April and the world theme this year was "Investing in our Planet."

We asked poets to write a poem about earth, how can its wonderful elements be restored, how can natural resources be preserved before they become extinct and what does it mean and how does it affect them? What can humanity do to make a difference? Our hearts and souls were truly touched beyond measure, the entries submitted by all who had participated in our prompt were recognized with special recognition as well as Twelve Best Entries selected to be published here on the Blog. "The High-tech Means" Our reticent existence on earth
Is replete with a bunch of cravings

Our dearly loved persons are worth
To be mourned for their love's saving.

They stepped down into the great beyond',
Leaving us forever, taking their last yawn.

Some kinsmen have known an estrangement;
Some amici have abandoned the arrangement.

Beyond distances, on the surface of the screens,
The worlds are forgathered via high-tech means.

© Walid Boureghda "This Fuming Earth" Twirling her deliberate mist
of a mix
From her exhaust burns
in rancorous duels,
To quest this Serene azure
Of Nature's tranquil magnanimity to man.

Here is man's mundane cloud
Soaring illegitimately as cursed;
In a seemless self esteem
of avarice...
Scaring a fateful divinity
of her locale.

And up, up, up in her circlical circus
She twirls her plageous spread
Choking a purity
With a verbose puff
And inflated pomposity
To flaunt a florescent of bloom
That is naturally bestowed
For sheer avarice!

And the bestowed-blooming blools
of the Earth
Bewails this trepidation
From a bloom to gloom
As trepid
And pallid;
Pallor is the feat to survive; and
Stunted is their wilting glare
As man feigns a symbiosis
With the ordained.

Man himself a selfish casualty
of his futile quest
Bares the exacerbating brunts
of his brutish bear.

The spheres as stuffy; hurt at it
They fume their effervescent effusion,
The seas spouts their spills now, in
Their wrath against man
The Earth squeaks a tremor to quake,
Gaping wide a gaping gorge
Of anger...this mutating mystery of man's
monstrous manifest;
Instilling a mirage to be the preordained.

© Kichime Philibus Elisha "The Weeping Earth" The earth was gifted to man as his habitat
There are vast seas, oceans and rivers
Where fish and marine resources thrive
So man would be able to survive
There were lush vegetations around
Tall mountains and wide valleys
Fresh air and gushes of wind
Rains and sunshine the makes plants grow
What a wonderful paradise as a prize
But greed entered the hearts of some men
They want earn more than they worked for
Dynamite fishing became rampant
Some people became negligent with their waste
They dumped them on the ocean floor Depriving fishes of their oxygen
While quarrying eroded the mountains
Forests have been denuded of valuable trees
Now man is suffering from his greed
There is flooding and uncontrolled erosion
Man, what you have done to my planet?
What will the future generation have?
The planet earth is a gift to all of us
So we must learn to love her for all ages.
The resources of the earth have also its limitations
Learn to conserve the forests, avoid too much quarrying
Clean the waterways so the fishes can breathe.
Man, you only have one habitat, and that is the EARTH. © Dolores Lapinid "SAVE GREEN PLANET"

Save this green planet
Protect beautiful earth
For us and our posterity
That is perpetual mirth

Be eco-friendly
Be environment friendly
Caring for ozone layer
Save the planet lovely

Less pollution is
The best solution
That's the way out for
Earth's protection

Harness energy
Save green energy
Save water
To produce hydro-energy

Take care of water reserves
Minerals we should preserve
Water and energy
We ought to conserve

Save water, save world
That's the slogan for future world
Ocean, river, brook, rivulet
That's our valuable asset

Mountains and mines
Stunningly reserves fine
Observe "Earth Day", with spirit true
New agenda we should construe !!

© Subhashchandra B. Adhav
Let's save our planet, A bright future for every child, Where they could grow happily, To keep an eye on the swallow's flight, To walk on earth fearless, With optimism and no threats. Let's keep our planet safe, It is the only home of the whole world, Where beautiful gardens are streched, Dreams come true like fantasy spells. Let's save our planet, A butterfly's flight to a colorful flower, A blue vault and water deep, Flowery meadows; fragrant. Let's keep our planet safe, Since there is no other for us, It represents life for all people, Let's keep it as the air that is inhaled, Because of everything that lives here, and much more... Let's save our planet, Thus we will save ourselves, too. Without it - other values are worthless. Let's protect our planet, The future of humanity; the world. Everyone is equally entitled to it, To keep it alive and call it a "mother".
Snežana Šolkotović A brighter tomorrow Mother nature embrace us with nature's best each new day.
The sunshine and rain the day and night the plants and animals .
You and I placed on earth we have dominion over them s o let's do what's best for them to live our lives longer on earth
Stop the war, let's live as one big family.
Control the winds of technology that's sweeping out land, cutting trees and killing its inhabitants.
Build parks and gardens, preserve flora and fauna, preserve the sea life by controlling the ships that sail through the seas.
Peace to the world and its inhabitants. Stop destroying lives for greed and pride. We will soon see all that God has given us lost in civilization.
Plant a tree today. Place in the bin plastics and all. Do not polute the sea. It starts with you and me for them to see.

Jaynobo Jaymes 'Dormitory Waiting Shed' Gamut Of
Banyan And Peepul Tree Is A Renaissance
Of Being Together In A Dormitory
Waiting Shed Where
A Destitute Busy Voyager
Rest In Peace
For A While To
Obscure The Plans
Do's And Don'ts
In A Thought. And I
As An Omnipresent
Love Worshipper
Silently Resides
On A Date To Worship
The Company Of Everything
Which Is
For Me
As A Beholder
To Hold. Everything
That Is In
The Dormitory
Waiting Shed.

© (Bipin Tiwari) बिपिन तिवारी सिक्किम भारत THE SYNERGY OF NATURE'S BEAUTY
From this telestial perch,I stare at the firmament
The celestial umbrella with many compounds in conferment
In the day,its face opens the mouth,to shine the sun
Illuminating the earth , creating a panoramic sight of bucolic landscape
The sky drenches the sunny ethereal, impregnate cloud with a son
And the crisp autumn wind whips the light away for the dusk,as they escape
To announce the coming of the moon,the queen and its attendants,the stars The innocent moon sweeps the sky , packing the cloud to a hide
And the twinkling stars peep smilingly at the captivating cloud to deride
The scarf trees on the Amazon resonate the silent music sing by the stars
Sparkling the splendid luminary , radiating the Terra in a dazzling beamy pars
The night insects chirp, singing the moon to send more attendants
That missile the sky with stunning sparkling light, glistening so chilly
In a blooming meadow, inhabiting games in their freelage and flowery Lilly The towering Iroko tree announces the verdant forest
With flowery vegetations, lushing the earth in a wooing etherealed fest
And the brisk forest fountains its misty dew with seasoning spring
Announcing Winter to summer the autumn, for decidous trees'leaves parting
To clothe the naked wilderness with pristine spectacularly flowery look,sun drenched
In every idyllic corner of landspace ,opens to flirting with its tongue frenched The Almighty's vicegerals ,lord over all on Earth
Taming the refractory creatures to their domisticsted berth
Even the celestial hosts, function to satisfy human
The lunar light, lamps the night for man's pleasured lire
As the stars guide and direct all many to their desires
And the sun shines and rains to sprout our vegetations
The Earth is a mat ,playing host to all in its habitations
And the heavens shade us as an umbrella upon our heads
Painting its eyebrow under the tutelage of the glowing rainbows in the sky like beads. The synergies of nature is a beauty working for human comfort
A precept to all human races to exist in one complementary fort. © Ikwulono Mohammed Senison Earth: Save me
No religion for me
I follow you
No religion for me
only the religion to see
where humans live together no animals to be
for even animals are soft
wild as they are made to be
in their greed perturbed
no hate in it to see
preserving their life
safe in environments that see
no heinous crimes no rapes in it to flee
devouring the hate that lives in it to be
the hate of the world in it to see
to extinguish life
in it to blow
in it to Free
like the animals
lets set ourselves free
for they only kill for hunger
no power games to play
in their hunger
to tame even the deer’s
in their love not prey
satisfied in an existence
Happy in it to be
life am I better than the animals I see
I learn from thee
Do they pray to God
I wonder
as I look at them
playing so free
in a terrain guarding their environment
with such glee
In my Nature it’s God to see
for in him I pray
to respect him to be the natural me
in his nature to see me
as the sun goes down settling for the night
looking for a prey
praying to me
God let me be in your nature I see me
in every human to see your love for me
in their love I turn
don’t destroy the environment
if you really profess
your love in your God
to say
“God love me” Copyright @ Nutan Sarawagi
Inspired by Pramila Khadun Yes, I'll not hear the nightingale! You have denuded me, and robbed me
Of my jewellery green; the flourishing
Flora is shrinking in space, and
Dense forests are vanishing fast; You have contaminated my water sources,
By polluting them with harmful trash,
And drawn from ample surface reservoirs,
Every drop of water; how can I
Quench the thirst of teeming millions,
Nestled into my cozy lap; You have caused the emissions of poisonous
Gases, badly affecting the pure air;
You are the culprit, you are the victim,
Nobody can help you in this universe; You have invented plastic, and my bosom
Is littered with plastic waste; even
The deep seas are facing the calamity,
As flora and fauna find it difficult
To breathe and survive in
Their beautiful and enchanting world; Wake up from your narcissistic slumber,
You are inviting your own doom;
There is lot to do to save
Yourself, and me too-O, human!
I'm your Mother Earth, wailing in distress
For long, and waiting for redemption
Of your solemn pledge to save the earth,
And to save humanity from extinction.
© Rakesh Chandra. SAVE MOTHER EARTH Earth is not just a planet, it's our life-giving 'Mother Earth',
Mother Earth has given us food, water, clean air, and many natural resources.
We will always be indebted to Mother Earth who nurtured us and carried our burdens,
Let's pledge to protect Mother Earth and its precious natural wealth. Let's promote plantation and reforestation on a large scale to keep the earth beautiful and green,
Maintain ecological balance to protect fauna and flora.
To keep seas and rivers pollution free, don't throw garbage and dead residue into them,
To prevent all types of pollution, put more emphasis on pollution control. Always promote reduce, reuse and recycle concepts,
Reduce consumption of fossil fuels, such as coal and petroleum.
Reduce excess emissions of carbon dioxide to prevent the rise in temperature,
Reduce the use of nitrogen fertilizers in the fields to reduce nitrous oxide emissions. Prevent toxic gases from industries to keep the atmosphere pure,
We must promote sustainable development to meet human needs and protect the environment.
Let's keep the air clean and let all living beings breathe in pure air,
Let's save Mother Earth together and spread happiness everywhere. ©Deepti Shakya India Time to act Mother earth is fed up with the sapiens
She won't plead anymore to the patrons
It's time to understand and comprehend
If we want to breathe and live healthy
The need of the hour is to plant trees. Our duty is to save earth, save water, save soil for progeny
If we want to survive and thrive
Abide with the law of sutainability
Invest our time for mother earth
Pamper her with the love she deserves. Sow a seed of happiness today by planting saplings
Let thy offsprings reap the fruits of benefits
Drape the barren soul with robes of greenery
Reap sumptuous wealth, return to her the treasure of prosperity. ©Anjana Prasad

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