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On April 4th, we offered a Themed Prompt titled "Feeding the Homeless" and from the many wonderful entries received, we chose "Best Entries" , presenting our readers with the poetry that stood out and touched our hearts. "FEEDING THE HOMELESS" There's a saying that states as in: -
"What you give comes back threefold of it",
Who is sure enough to know or assess this,
Yet it's the inner humane: a man's feeling!

That which is authentic to oneself; as we speak
Within our own conscience and to our own ears,
What we do to help the poor and the needy,
A self-satisfaction that brings joy and peace.

Humanity is a compassionate social fabric,
Of the so-called society in living with it,
within it and outside of its exterior realm,
For that's what brings out the goodness in us.

The homeless, sick, orphanages, refugees,
All are part of the same yarn yet with a
Different color and its dyed hue; see-
To which coded color your vibe connects to.

Laxman Rao
Bangalore, India "Feeding the Homeless"

Nay give him a dollar
Nor you shall offer coffee
If in you, a real heart thumps
Owe him, his agony and adversities
if you can do it
A beggar never will be to the world send
Inclusiveness is what a homeless needs
Carry them to thy house
Teach him how you earn
Turn his pages and make him write
Life is all about a chance.

© Mushtaque B. Barq
Kashmir "Feeding the Homeless" My heart ached as I stared out the window,
Under the chilly night I saw someone down below.
Curled beside the snow, shivering and all alone,
A man in his rags who was left on his own.

He fought and lost a part of him during those wars,
Returned with honors, badges and some stars.
Yet he was never the same again and now a homeless wanderer,
Shedding his tears as memories seem to play forever.

The moment I handed some packed food, he gave me a smile
Something he hadn't done in a while.
Heartbroken, it wasn't happiness I felt when giving him something,
Pure sadness engulfing me, how many more are out there,
suffering from the same thing?

© Rhoanne Lampacan Boado A duty for every citizen
many homeless you will find where you live
One meal,
one cup of tea and a biscuit,
bringing smiles and relief to the hungry.

When in summer, a cold drink or water
quenching his third.
A blanket or shawl
covering from the cold
or hat for the hot summer.

Little deeds we can do every day
as it will not cost anything.
What you cook extra, you can share
to the one who has none.

May we all continue to do this every day and feed the homeless along the way.

© Debra J. Masky "Serving the Lord" You have a shelter
They have not
You have a roof above your head
They have not.

Who are they?
The homeless, the vagabonds
You have a family
They have not.

Foods are the dream to them
That you waste
Stretch your hand
to offer, that's best.

Homeless are the
Sons of God
Serving them
is the serving, Lord.

© Shampa Saha
India "Feeding the Homeless" What a plight. Her job is lost. Husband bailed. Two preschoolers, another on the way. Fear taking over and growing each day. She found a job cleaning. Not teaching a second grade. Making due every day. Food on the table. Mortgage behind. No way to catch up. All savings gone. Eviction from a lovely home lived in for ten years. Selling impossible, waited too long. Homeless. Alone. Her car paid in full now her retreat. Two kids and a dog. The stress, fetus gone. Where did the American Dream go wrong. So now she depends on a soup kitchen. Stop judging the homeless. It could be you!
© Elaine Yanni Fink "Feeding the Homeless" Not even a cardboard to shield from the forces five,
their very existence in question
Why should we remain silent, as mute spectators,
lend a hand to share the God's benevolence, that we already enjoy
in abundance

Share an extra pie or pudding, a biscuit or a bun
A cup of coffee or a glass of tea will suffice,
making them survive just for one more night

Feel the opportunity, to live in paradise here on earth,
without leaving your last breath
You will be blessed twice, by humans and Might
Each of your deeds well chronicled,
you transfer blessings on to your generations next

Feed the homeless my dear,
feed them with love and care
Your act of kindness will shower smiles on their faces.

© Sai Prakash "Feeding the Homeless" Behold lo! Peregrine humans art they,
And skies for 'em art bleak and grey,
And the moon ne'er flaunts its treasured beaut.
They have bare soil yet no root,
And roam adrift thru' the open roads.
I can write pages of poems and odes,
But what ode can be as sweet as food;
When cussed a life greets their mortal hood?
When hunger reins those hapless souls,
And make 'em care for nutrient bowls,
No poetry can then serve 'em bliss,
But seem incursive like a serpent's hiss.

Ay! Hither thou hearst now,
We ow'st glory and thus must vow,
We must feed those hapless ones,
And fete fore'er this crowning chance.
Fetch the bowls of grains to 'em,
Let 'em few moments sans mayhem,
Bide in joy and breathe at ease,
And savor the zephyrs cockling trees,
Serve 'em ne'er for a tinseled name,
Nor for glory or a phony fame,
We must from our heart and soul,
Serve 'em as our humane goal,
Feed 'em food and thus new smiles,
And aid 'em earn for the remaining miles

Benevolent souls and healers we need,
Not just a bunch of flamboyant breeds,
Learn to serve those in distress,
With foods of love and a tidy dress,
Goodness shall a day reward,
Skies of joy as the flocking birds,
And thou a day shalt fete each hour,
Dancing gayly beneath sweet showers,
Of petals and scents and elixir drops,
And milk and honey and clinquant crops,
The cosmos shall a day for sure,
Accredit thy benevolence; divine and pure.

© Dipanjan Bhattacharjee

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