ILA Magazine
Where Culture Meets Creativity
Facebook, A Friend Finder
"GOD moves in mysterious ways", my newfound virtual friend, quipped.
I say, it takes an angel to find a long lost angel in a bizarre coincidence or twist of fate.
Three strangers met in a big city by chance. One was a student, one, a public servant, and the other worked in a broadcast station.
From a simple hello, our friendship blossomed. In no time, not only we were friends, we became like a congenial family.
As the saying goes, "change is the only thing that is permanent", so was out situation in life. One moved to a bigger city to take a Licensure Board Exam in Physiotherapy, worked in a big hospital and later went abroad to work more and in few years time, eventually got married and have children.
I, the so-called 'Malcolm in the Middle', went on an adventure to a big city, became a nanny, worked in the office with the help and recommendation of our baby friend in the group, went to finish my Pharmacy, took the Board and passed, working in a pharmacy.
Fate intervened, I got married overseas, and have children. Now a Grandmother of three which I consider the best job I ever have in my life, next to Motherhood. Yes, I set aside my professional career to becoming a full time Mum, and without regrets. The last friend through the years, we have lost contact with, remained at large, till recently when we found her through another stranger who I lately accepted as a friend on Facebook.
Thirty three (33) years, Lia and I had been looking for Tita, but to no avail. Neither Facebook nor Google have had any clue of her whereabouts. I tried looking for her in their clan groups hoping someone could help us locate her. Nada. And one private chat with Len have all our searching stopped for "Where's Wally aka Tita." I brought up to our conversation that we were looking for a friend for years, and lo and behold, it's her!!! And there was no mistaking about her.
I thanked Len for her instant help and immediately notified Lia who is currently in Turkey on holiday with her husband. I even wrote a poem with a collage for Tita so she would know it's me, it's us!
Tita took Lia and I on board and we get out communication back on track after a long series of catching up which could be "Never Enough" as yet.
Accepting Len's friend request in spite of my hesitation was like "entertaining strangers unaware."
© Leah C. Dancel