ILA Magazine
Where Culture Meets Creativity
Written by Leah Dancel The glory of the morning mist
Looks dainty in the east,
Morphing into ethereal glow;
Its delightful sight meets my eyes:
The vision of God's beauty
as seen in the sky.
The cornfield is wet with dewdrops
Some nestling on every leaf hat laughs
For each sweet refreshing reverie
How happy am I to greet this new day!
Nearby, I heard the skywards singing.
Belting a melancholic song that rings in the air.
Their plumage are in molting spree
Into a melange of variant colors.
Up into the sky they fly,
Brushing a palette shade of pastel blue.
Soon the sun slowly rises
As gently it creeps into the light.
Beneath the veil of purplish blue halo,
Softly it spreads the ethos of Nature's glow.