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The Harmony of Visual Art and Poetry "THE COLOR OF US" We are all born stark naked our first hour most special inspection, swift our first notes a blessed concert of life, our genes precious giving us our unique skin - Red, our introduction into this world, cream screams alert, our satisfaction of life, gifted blue, our orbs brown hazel spark bright, our promise of everlasting blessed light promise bright - first notes, our lullaby each coo and aah, delightful new life ignites - Loved ones rush to welcome new life, admiration at a high, smiles abound, yellow, our happiness bright alight sparkling, glistening magenta, our concern dissipating quickly rushing to teach belief, actions white, examples found in family DNA, lessons learned future life precious yellow, hope green, our love for nature teaching us to ensure our environment is protected - Appreciated, educated Sky - blue hope to protect not to neglect or else black hope will puncture our orange love light brightening glowing golden hope in our daily lives... Live Life Love Life Paint your life brighter than ever before... You matter. We matter. Let us combine our inner super trooper light as we shine together forever... As we release our inner lights... © Don Afrika Beukes (Painting also by poet)
France "WAITING" (Haibun) While waiting for our granddaughters who would have their ballet recital in two hours, my husband and I took time to grab a nap at a friendly coffee shop, and I, on the watch for interesting shots, took this photo while he was having forty winks. Sleepless, I take out My flute, Basho, to play to A brand new haiku © Ma. Milagros T. Dumdum Philippines "EMPTY ME" These planks, a seat for silence These rims, a stick to silence These empty eyes, cart unexplored dreams Is silence an entity? Or universe. © Mushtaque B. Barq (Photography by Poet - above) Jammu/Kashmir "Shahjanabad Café", painting by Amitabh Mitra. " SHAHJANABAD CAFÉ" This happened again on a strange café noon river days flew where a distance left a crooked wind a lone fort gaunt daring again to remember memories stuck to mirrors we had seen each other so often then cups, glasses and lips all together happened again and in the midst of a forest sleep our eyes once again rode many a writhing storm voices staged suddenly where I had once touched you again. © AMITABH MITRA SOUTH AFRICA Art by Shweta Sahai "ELYSIUM" I forage for you In the love songs of yesteryear
The trammels of convention Had imprisoned me then Now that senescence has immured me My spirit has been freed A birdsong has come alive The little sparrow Perched on the curlicues of my condominium bursts into a refrain My spirit becomes one with yours Like the chirring and the chirping amidst the colonnade of trees in the garden of Elysium. © Shweta Sahai India Photography of Abdallah Ibn Edriss "OLOLUFE MI" (My Lover) If "L" in life represents you, Layla, the rest will still be your name ifé (love), 'cuz far atop that iroko tree, is a symbol of your victory in my heart. Thus is roses are red and violets are blue, your lips would be a thornless flower, that candle my way to the sacred temple, far deep into the meadows of órun. Your existence gave life a meaning; A purpose and now it's you I'm needing Take my heart with you in this calabash And travel the sea of eternity, and wait For me where heaven meets earth. © Abdallah Ibn Edriss Nigeria Photography by Gheorghe Laura "THE WAIT" I'm standing on the Titan's knee, Looking around in awe and fear As the sea urges me to swim, After all, it is a hot summer's day. I politely refused for the hundredth time Despite being tempted to do it. The laughter of my peers echo across the seafront, Asking me, "When will I come join them?" Being in my teenage years, The world seems bigger than I expected, So, it's better to wait for the right moment To spread my wings and fly towards the sky. "When will it come? Is it worth the wait?" © Gheorghe Laura Romania Photography by Jurine Garcia "SUNRISE AND SUNSET" It's really nice to see, every time I look at you. Your gentle warmth, that soothes my sadness. In all - the - day and overnight adventures I'm always waiting for you. Every time seeing your beauty, You remove my depression and anxiety I feel that I am free from everything... I know the time will come when I won't see you anymore. I have no regrets.. Because once in my life, you made me feel That with every dip and rise, I found rest. © Jurine Garcia Philippines Photography of Sonal Rao "COOL DUDE" Your stand was exuberant but mine wasn't that cheerful! Your smile was jovial but mine wasn't that ebullient! Your confidence was backslapping but mine wasn't that unreserved! How come you're so loud or Why are you so warm? You shared a pain in that enthusiastic moment But it did seem real! You seemed to mock at my energetic Presence with a vivacious smile! Aren't we all a part of this animated drama With a tearful soul, trying to fit in ardently??? © Sonal Rao India Artwork by Matt Elmore "PAPA ELEPH ANT" It's all over you done left we lost the baby I'll never forget we were so happy everything was set you smiled at me I'll never forget we told everyone without regret everyone knew I'll never forget we bought a crib nothing we didn't get but our little darlin' I'll never forget you got sick we didn't expect it too happened I'll never forget It's all over you've done left I lost you both I'll never forget. © Matt Elmore USA Art above by Andree Malenoir
Featured in a slideshow "THAT NIGHT " A Queen of the Ocean A ship full of dreams Magnificent liner It's not all it seems
Unsinkable giant Buoyed up by the waves No cause to be fearful A Star of her age! She was built there in Belfast Shipyard...Harland & Wolff Alongside her sisters She was proud of herself Tho Olympic, Gigantic... They would both meet their fate But TITANIC lives on... And so does the debate! So what caused her demise? It's an iceberg, we're told... There's no doubt that this happened On that night, in the cold! Could the rivets be faulty? Did a fire rage within? Well yes, both of these 'things'... Are the place to begin! Yes, a fire burnt within her And the rivets were weak That they popped out on impact Then they started the leak Very soon tons of water Well it deluged the ship And it didn't take long For her head just to dip! As she sank in the ocean There were many who died There were so many questions Before 'they' could decide... Whether negligence caused The worst maritime wreck And why were the lifeboats Far too few on the deck? Well the questions still come But the answers are few... And did the 'White Star' Have answers? I believe some of them knew! © Andree Malenoir UK Photography by Sheila Ann "ADIEU TO SUN" Time is moving so slow today and it burned the grass So hot and humid, I thought I would pay homage with the white wind and white birds of Chimborazo where the mountains festooned with white clouds, I journeyed towards the westering sun until I was burning flesh. I asked the wise but vexatious aubade He laughed seeing my discomfort toil. The vast trees of the land are no more, broken and devoured. The soil is tattered The very faces that I saw were gloomy and hated the reddened sun. He told me that he washed his hands at the heathen of humans of the rays that came and passed as he coddiwompled to other regions, and I quailed adn befuddled as my days were graced by the moon and the stars. © Sheila Ann Malaysia Artwork Title:
"The Last Autumn Sunsets Under the Pomegranate Trees" Artist: Mehrangiz Talaiezadeh Country: Iran
Style: Hyperrealism Size 30cm x 36cm
Materials: Polychromos colored pencils on Stenbach cardboard Signed painting © 2021 "THE LAST AUTUMN SUNSETS UNDER THE POMEGRANATE TREES" The last autumn sunsets under the pomegranate trees The pomegranate trees; full of red ruby seeds full of jewelry beads; The jewelry beads embedded in shields; The shields full of sweet and bitter weeps; The sweet and bitter weeps flows through human lives; The human lives full of shades and glitter lits; The glitter lits on a flory plain in pretty reds; The pretty reds over the chaise; The chaise with tea ware parties, the parties, full of intimacies The intimacies with raw almonds, tricolor is In the last autumn sunsets under the pomegranate trees The spirit of honesty breeze In the peace pure jungles. © Mehrangiz Talaiezadeh Iran Photography by Gloria Magallanes-Loeb "SEEKING" Seeking a better view from above Will I find happiness and love? The massive azure blueness of the sky Assures me with comfort even up high My beaming heart is full of desire Can't fathom much longer to acquire This beautiful feeling that am inspired To hold unto before the sunset expires Gives me hope that my fate will come As we meet before dusk, when Nightingale sings not be glum! © Gloria Magallanes-Loeb USA

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