ILA Magazine
Where Culture Meets Creativity
On February 22, 2023, ILA Magazine Facebook Group offered a Tautogram Challenge to poets. We gave them the option to write a poem, quote, phrase, passage or Monostich. We chose six "BEST ENTRIES" out of thirteen entries. "WRAPPED WAIT" Wrapped wait
With wet warmth
Witnessing wishes
While wearing willingness
Wrinkled, wimped
Wants wharf
Where water waves
Weave wounds with wrath
Whilst watching wildly
Wonderous whereabouts
Walking waggled
With winter wind
Writes wishlist with wrenched words
Wandering without weather window
Withdrawn within
When worshipping wonderfully Wracking walls within
Wangled whole world
Whatever wants
Would worth?
© Fatima Z. Sarah
India Poetry passion presentation
prowess portrayed positive poses
pauses pondered permeating profusion
passion plunged poetry perfection
permanent picture paraded precious past
poetry paradox perplexes poets.
© Rosemarie Miranda
Philippines "MONOSTICH"
"Angels are assuaging ache and angst, advising all about altruism." © Gheorghe Laura
Romania "APATHY AND ACCEPTANCE" An attempt after an altercation
Alarms and agonizes
Alluding all absolute answers
Alternately assertive and adept
Apathy agitates any adverse answer
After all amiable abeyance
Absolute admiration attests
Affirms and aptly assuages
All adversities affected
An ambience arising above all
Ardor, acceptance and accord
Animosity appeased, applauded
Adulating affection assured
Antagonism abandoned and above all
Amicable approvals appreciated.
© Gus Peres Amio
Anything agreed
And addressed aesthetically
Arrives at accurate and
Amazing achievements.
Artificially accentuated
Actions alter
Artistic activities
And arrive at
Antagonistic and
Angular aphorisms.
Atavistic actions
Assuage anger
Accelerate altruistic and
Agreed assurances.
© Kalucharan Sahu
India Bibliophile
Being bookish
Bought books
But basic books
Being bachelor
Booked best books
Belonging beautiful books
Became benign, bold benevolent
Befriended bilingual books
Blessed by best books
Became best biographer!!
© Subhashchandra Adhav