It was a cold December night. The moon was at its peak sight. Darkness was adoring. Bats were escaping. It was a cold December night. We were optimistic at height. Love was constructing.
Talkings were occurring.
It was a cold December night.
We were in each others arms
at the shadow sight.
Stars were glittering.
Lips were shivering.
It was a cold December night.
We were teasing each other
in the galaxy light.
Air was rolling.
Time was running.
It was a cold December night.
We were staring into each others eyes in the flight.
Souls were gathering.
Hearts were crushing.
It was a cold December night.
We were kissing each other alright.
Memories were securing.
Ahh! On the cold and dark night,
I and she were engaging.
© Muhammad Osama Khattak
