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Issue # 2 Feb/March Edition 2021

Welcome to the World of
Literature and the Arts.

Our online magazine publishes and eclectic blending

of prose, poetry, creative nonfiction and other works,
(visual art, photography, special features of authors and their books), by both established as well as emerging writers and artists. We will periodically be featuring guest writers with interviews and an occasional review in our quarterly issues which shall be published online, only.

Featured Poem

 Ghost that has no Feet


From the heart of a lonely soul
A travel of cruel thought starts.
It took a face to aside a trust
And, dark its intention with evil dust.

It hoaxes me overnight

Colors of love drowning

In the core, I carved
To run in the past of shores
Aimless roams where shown,
Without having.

Passing days were showing
Views, I am demon figure
With betrayal dews
It lies on bedrock and left
Heart astray
And commanded over me
Without feet.

The truth grabbed me one day
When it was done with felony
My wits were gone to find
"Anam Cara"
I started creeping my innocence around.

I went to shake worships at holy places,
Cried out to crew with my soul freely
Then, I came across cooling the fire
That broke the glasses of heart's desire.



© Muhammad Aslam

Featured Quote

"I wish my hundred versions die for rise of 
education, rationale and death to the 

Zakir Malik, Author of "The Wail of the Woods"


Featured Quote

"You can't use up creativity.

The more you use,

the more you have."


Maya Angelou 

American Poet and Civil Rights Activist

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